Q1 2024: Foundation and Planning
- Establish Sudoba Foundation
- Formulate detailed project plan and milestones
- Conduct market research and competitor analysis
- Assemble core development and management team
- Design and initiate the creation of the SBC token
- Start Presale
Q2 2024: Development Kick-off
- Start development of Sudoba blockchain platform
- Set up partnerships with key technology providers
- Begin regulatory compliance activities
Q4 2024: Beta Testing and Ecosystem Expansion
- Launch beta version of Sudoba blockchain for public testing
- Continue SBC token creation and distribution
- Explore partnerships with local companies for token creation
- Plan and initiate a community engagement program
Q1 2025: Mainnet Launch and Marketing
- Official launch of Sudoba blockchain mainnet
- Complete SBC token distribution to early adopters
- Initiate marketing campaigns to promote the Sudoba ecosystem
- Explore opportunities for credit card linkage
Q2 2025: Ecosystem Growth and DEX Development
- Monitor and enhance the Sudoba ecosystem based on user feedback
- Develop and launch the Sudoba Wallet
- Begin development of the Decentralized Exchange (DEX)
- Explore partnerships for credit card linkage
- Migrate SBC token to Sudoba Blockchain
- Place steppingstones for gaming development